Saturday, January 22, 2011

Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby

Your baby is reaching 6 months old. It's time for solid foods.

Introducing first Solid Foods to your baby is a big milestone. But does your baby is ready for solid foods?

How do you Know if your Baby is ready for Solid Foods?

Your baby may be 3 months old or 4 months old when you start to feel she may need 'something more' than formula or breast milk. Maybe she is beginning to awaken more often at night or eat more often than 'usual' and you wonder if introducing solid foods may be what she needs.

Growth Spurt will occur between 3-4 months of age. Your baby may begin to wake more frequently at night for a feeding and may being to eat non-stop as she did as a newborn. Growth spurts often account for the increased hunger in you baby and should not taken as a sign that your baby needs solid foods added to her diet.

Signs that may Indicate Your baby is Ready for Solid Foods

Your baby may act interested in solid foods before he is developmentally ready to eat them. A baby's intestinal tract may not be fully developed before 6 months. Introducing solid foods before your baby's body is ready to handle them can cause constipation, gas and stomach pain. Starting solid foods too early can cause your baby to develop food allergies or sensitivities. It is normal for babies to go through a growth spurt between 4 and 6 months. If your infants act hungrier that before, it does not mean that he needs solid foods, but rather he needs to nurse frequently or drink more formula.

  • Loss of tongue-thrust reflex : baby is able to drink and swallow liquids with ease
  • Be able to let you know that she is full from a 'meal' with signs such as turning away from the bottle or breast. This is important so that baby is able to self-regulate the amount of food being eaten. This helps stop baby from accidentally overeating as parents may continue to feed baby thinking that she is still hungry.
  • Have the ability to sit up and hold head up unassisted 
  • Interest in your food
  • Has doubled his birth weight and weighs at least 13 pounds
  • Frequently waking in the middle of the night when a solid sleeping pattern had been established.

An Alternative to Solid Foods. 

If your baby has shown interest in solid food but is not quite developmentally ready, try giving him a breastmilk popsicle or momsicle, to give him a new food experience.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Breastfeeding Position: Cross Cradle

Breastfeeding Position: Cross- Cradle

The most common breastfeeding position is the cross-cradle. This position gives the most support to the baby and the mother has complete control over her infant with just one arm.

Here's How:
  • Sitting comfortably with the baby at breast height using a pillow for support, tuck the baby's tush in the crook of the opposite arm of the breast being fed. The mother's forearm should be positioned up the length of the baby's back. The baby's head is supported by her thumb and forefinger, right behind the ears. The baby is held tummy-to-tummy with the mother
  • Hold the breast that is being fed in a "U" shape. Hold the breast with the thumb on the outer part of the breast and the remaining fingers on the inner side. (Make sure the fingers are back against the chest wall and not too close to the nipple.) The best analogy to make is that of a sandwich. By squeezing the "U", we make a sandwich for the baby: This makes the breast more compact and easily graspable. When adults eat sandwiches they don't stick their whole head into it...they press it together to "latch" onto it as easily as possible. This is the same concept.
  • Line up the baby so that the nipple is opposite the baby's nose.
  • Tickle the baby's lips with the nipple and pull back slightly until the baby has a wide open mouth. (Do not allow the baby to glide onto the nipple. This will cause sore, painful nipples and at the same time, the baby will not be able to remove an adequate amount of milk from the breast.)
  • When the baby opens wide, quickly push his whole body in toward you and make sure that the latch feels comfortable. The baby's upper lip may just hit above the top of the nipple. Most often, mothers will see more of the areola above the upper lip than below it. If there is a pinching feeling, the mother can pull down on the baby's chin, while still latched on, and attempt to "flip" the baby's bottom lip out. If not, she needs to take the baby off the breast and relatch. Remember that babies do not nipple feed, they breastfeed, and they really need to latch on to the underside of the breast.
  • The baby's nose to chin should be touching the breast. Try not to press the thumb into the breast to make an "airway" for the baby. This can force the nipple upward and rub against the roof of the baby's mouth, causing nipple abrasion. Babies can breathe absolutely fine while nursing and if they are stuffy, mucousy, or otherwise having breathing trouble, they will pull off the breast themselves. 
  • If the latch was perfect, the nipple will come out round and the mother will be comfortable. If the nipple comes out angular or looking like the tip of a new tube of lipstick, and the mother has pain, the latch was incorrect. If she doesn't know what she's doing wrong, a lactation consultant can help to fix the problem.
The cross-cradle position allows you to have more control over how your baby latches on. Many moms find they are able to get their babies latched on more deeply with this hold.

Breastfeeding Position

Breastfeeding positions and latching on are the most important parts of the entire nursing experience. It doesn't matter how prepared a woman was during her pregnancy; how many books she read about breastfeeding; how many other women she talked to about their experiences: When a new mother holds her baby in her arms for the first time, it's's beautiful...and, it's daunting. "Whoa, this is awkward! I've never had to sustain a life with my breasts before!" But the truth is, babies are born with the instinct to latch-on and suckle. They might just need a little assistance with the positioning, which is where the mother's practice comes in.

Two of the most common assumptions are that the latch means everything, and that it doesn't matter what position the baby is in. Positioning is key to getting a perfect latch, which is essential for establishing proper milk transfer for the baby and keeping you comfortable at the same time. 

Taking this step-by-step will ensure the best start.

After the young mother to know the important things related to prepare breastfeeding, it helps us know, how to correct breastfeeding position. Obviously, the position is crucial for the convenience of breastfeeding infants and mothers themselves. Do you have to always breastfeed lying down? No. We have to accustom the baby can suckle under any circumstances. Whether we sleep at home, standing, sitting, or even when we were in the vehicle.

Some positioning how-tos:
  • Cross-Cradle Position: The most common breastfeeding position used for newborns is the cross-cradle. Here are details on how to latch a baby in this position.
  • Football Hold: A wonderful position for a mother who has very large breasts or who has had a c-section. This position is also great for premature or very tiny babies.
  • Cradle Hold: A comfortable, natural position for older babies with better head control.
  • Side-Lying Position: An excellent position for nursing in bed. This position is also great for a mother who has had a c-section.

Cross-Cradle Position

One arm supporting the baby’s body and others support the head, similar to the cradle position but you will have greater control over baby’s head. Nursing position is good for premature babies or mothers with small nipples.

 Football Hold

Look at the baby’s legs against the wall! This is a great position for breastfeeding twins, as the baby is not blocking the way to the other breast.

Cradle Hold

This position is very good for newborns. Make sure your back is really support for this position. Keep the baby in your stomach, until the skin and your skin touch each other. Let her body facing you, and put his head on your elbow.

Side Lying Position
The breastfeeding position for everyone who had a c-section. The baby is not pressing on the rough spots and you can rest. It is also a nive position at night.

The Saddle Hold
This position is suitable for older abbies. At some point, they are tall enough to sit on your lap and nurse. Before they reach that height, you can put a cushion underneath their bums.

Saddle hold natural with older babies, great with baby carrier

Introducing: Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding allows you to provide your baby with all it needs for growth and development. Breast milk not only contains all the nutrients your baby needs, in an easily digested form, but it also contains antibodies to protect your baby from all kinds of infection.

There are substances in breast milk, which cannot be reproduced. You alone can provide these living factors for your baby. Breastfeeding is a really positive thing to do. It is not only good for your baby, it is good for you. The advantages are numerous.

The main advantages of breastfeeding for your baby
  • Breast milk is the only food specifically designed, by nature, to meet your baby's individual needs.
  • It contains the right balance of nutrients in a very easily digestible form.
  • Antibodies are passed on through breast milk to protect your baby from all kinds of infection. The longer you can feed your baby the better but if you breastfeed for the first three or four months this protection can last for up to a year.
  • Your baby is much less likely to need to be admitted to hospital.
  • Your baby is less likely to develop diarrhoea or constipation.
  • Breastfeeding reduced the incidence of allergies such as eczema and asthma.
  • Breast milk contains growth factors and hormones to help your baby's development. These cannot be reproduced in formula milk. Children who have breast fed for eight months or more have been shown to achieve more at school than those who have been bottle fed.
The main advantages of breastfeeding for you
  • Breastfeeding helps your body to return to normal after the birth and burns up to 500 calories a day.
  • Breast milk is always ready and it costs nothing
  • Women who breastfeed often feel a special bond with their baby and may be less likely to develop postnatal depression.
  • Breastfeeding may offer you some protection against developing ovarian cancer, breast cancer and hip fractures.
The main disadvantages of breastfeeding for you
  • Blood borne viruses such as hepatitis B or HIV and some medication can be passed on to your baby in breast milk.
  • Some women find breastfeeding painful, stressful and tiring
  • You are unable to measure the amount of milk your baby has consumed, this can be a disadvantage if your baby is having problems putting on weight.
  • It can be difficult for a breastfeeding mother to leave her baby for more than a couple of hours as no one else can feed baby unless she leaves expressed milk.
Nearly all women can breastfeed, but many do run into problems. It is important to ask for help. Feeding can take a number of weeks to establish properly. Once established most women then find feeding easy and enjoyable.

The most important thing to know about breastfeeding is how to position your baby during a feed. If your baby is in the right position then everything else will follow.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Scabies: Skin Disease of Children

Skin Diseases of Children

Skin disease is a disease associated with a network covering the surface of the body such as skin and is often relatively mild. Despite the relatively minor nature, if it not dealt with seriously, then it can worsen the health condition of infants and children.

Skin disease that found worldwide and can strike both men and women. In some skin diseases such as staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, more men were attacked than women.

Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome


Scabies is another disorder which is an infection with an animal parasite. While of much the same appearance as lice, the organisms are scarcely visibly to the naked eye. They burrow around within the top layer of the skin and produce itching as the move. The itching is worse at night after the body has become warm in bed. There is sometimes overheated room or the wearing of excessive clothing. Usually there are hundreds or thousands of the parasites on the body before the afflicted individual is aware of the fact that he has a skin disease. If one member of a family is affected, the whole family is likely to be.

Scabies of Children
The disorder is usually contracted through occupying a bed with an infected individual. The parts affected are the trunk and extremities, including the hands, there being no sign of the disorder above the collar line or below the ankles except in infants.

The most typical lesions (sore) are seen between the fingers and on the wrists. They appears as small pimples and blisters, on the surface of some of which are seen delicate, black, thread-like, straight or curved lines from an eighth of an inch to a quarter of an inch long. Each line is the path of a parasite in the skin and it is furrow filled with dirt, eggs and excrement of the organism. There are dozen or more eggs in each furrow and at one end of it is the parasite. The eggs give rise to new parasite which crawl out the surface of the skin. On the region other than the hands, wrists, genitals and buttocks, the lesions occur chiefly as scratch marks the size of a pinhead, which can hardly recognized as lesions of scabies.

Treatment of scabies consists in applying a sulphur salve for five successive nights. After taking a scrub bath, the affected individual should apply the salve from the neck to the ankles, including the hands. A suit of underwear with long sleeves and legs should be worn continuously, night and day, it becoming permeated with the sulphur, and thin cotton gloves should be worn at night. On the morning following the fifth application of the salve, a cleansing bath is taken and clean clothing put on. Some itching may persist, but it is due to irritation of the skin by the sulphur and should be allayed by a few daily applications of olive oil.

Scabies may be passed on from one child to another by direct contact. Hence, the teacher must recognize this disease and prevent contact between the infected child and others.

How to Choose the Best Formula Milk for your Baby

If you've decided to bottle feed your baby there is lots more to think about, not least which type of formula milk you're going to use.

To begin with, there are so many different brands on offer that choosing the right type of formula milk for your baby can seem like a somewhat overwhelming task. So, to help make your decision easier we explain how to choose the best formula milk for your baby....

Which type of formula?

There is an ever increasing selection of formula milk appearing on the supermarket shelves so rest assured you'll have plenty of choice.

You'll find that most brands will base their formula on a form of cow's milk that has been modified to resemble breast milk as closely as possible. While none have yet managed to reproduce the exact qualities of breast milk that make it the best source of nutrition for young infants, most do contain a balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are more than capable of meeting your growing baby's needs.

The variety of formula milk that will be most suitable at any one time will depend on the age, stage and appetite of your baby. Your options are...
  • Preterm formula milk - 
    Designed to meet the unique needs of premature or low birth weight babies, preterm formula milk is nutrient dense so that all the nourishment your baby needs to thrive is contained in a smaller amount of feed.
  • First stage formula milk - 
    Suitable from birth, first stage formula milk is designed to provide your baby with a viable alternative to breast milk. It will contain all the nutrients you need for healthy development and is designed to be easily digested by a young baby. Most will be based on a modified form of cow's milk and can be used right through until your baby reaches 12 months.
  • Second stage formula milk - 
    Designed to meet the needs of a hungrier baby, second stage formula milk contains a different balance of proteins that are designed to keep your baby feeling full for longer. While not suitable for all infants, second stage milk can be a good solution for infants who don't appear satisfied by first stage milk but are too young to
     start weaning.
  • Follow on formula milk - 
    Suitable for infants over the age of 6 months, follow on formula milk is designed to support your baby's nutritional needs as they begin weaning. Again, most are based on modified cow's milk and are enhanced with added protein, vitamins, minerals and prebiotics to encourage healthy digestion.
  • Soya-based formula milk - 
    Formula milk produced using soya beans and modified with proteins, vitamins and minerals is designed specifically for infants who are allergic to cow's milk. However, it should only be used under the guidance of your doctor or health care visitor.

    If you suspect that your baby may have an allergy or intolerance to cow's milk it's important that you seek medical guidance. In all likelihood you'll be referred to a nutritionist who will be able to advise you on the best course of action. Soya based formula isn't suitable for all infants with allergies and specially modified cow's milk is sometimes recommended instead.
  • Cow's milk -
    Current medical advice recommends that you wait until your baby has reached their first birthday before you begin to introduce regular
     cow's milk into their diet. Before this age your baby's digestive system is not sufficiently developed to cope with the complex balance of proteins it contains.

To Stop Babies Crying

Baby crying sometimes is quite disturbing.

However, through learning the unique quicks of your child, coupled with a basic understanding of your baby, you will have them drying up their tears in no time at all. It is fine and good when elders are in the house but what if they are not around and if you and your baby are alone. So, this is one of the funniest moments listed specially in baby care. Every one has got all different results and ideas for their particular babies tear's solution.

My dearest baby crying with all her heart

While keeping all this in mind, there are few different ideas may work out well on others. You can go through all of them testing them on your babies and just mark up which will suit you and your child in more appropriate manner. It may happen that children from same family have different tips to stop baby's crying.

It is important, 1st of all to confirm about what make the babies crying. Is the child hungry?? Or may because of dirty diaper. Baby crying can even be reason that you are always busy and unable to pay attention towards your baby.

There are many different tricks and ideas, which you can follow one at a time, unless and until you do not find solution for you baby's crying .Different children has got different feeling regarding their surroundings, like some babies feel more secure wrapped up because that make them feel sheltered and warm. It even makes them feel more safer and good sounding. Another method to top your baby's crying is to go for a walk and keep them in the front us and when you start your walk this will calm them and allows them to sleep.

You can also introduce some changes in the immediate environment of the baby. You can go for walk or car ride that can even relax you for a while and even your baby. The reason why baby will stop crying is they have movement and that will give pleasure and more stimulus to them. Walk can even make you feel good and will also stop your baby's crying.

Well, there is another way to try, you can pat them or swing them in your arms, this gentle movement will make them happy and feel pleasure. Or you can even tr by tapping their back in good rhythm such taping sound which will change the mood of your baby.

You can even give them warm bath.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How to Perform CPR on Infants

CPR for baby below 1 years old

CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is an emergency procedure which is attempted in an effort to return life to an person in cardiac arrest. It is indicated in those who are unresponsive with no breathing or only gasps. It may be attempted both in and outside of a hospital.

When CPR is performed on infants, more attention is required to prevent the occurrence of something taht is harmful to her. But there are many techniques of CPR and care for choking infants.

1. Airway

  • Assessment: Determine there is no response by slowly move the shoulder
  • Lay down the baby on a hard surface. Support his head and neck if they have to be moved
  • Open the airway, use the technique of head-lift-tilt-chin. Be careful to not raising the head too far back

 2. Breathing

  • Assessment: Determine there is no breathing while ensuring that the airways is always open, place your ear near the baby's mouth and observe the movement of the chest, hear and feel the baby breathing in your ear.
  • If the victim was still breathing and no signs of trauma, lay the victim in recovery position.
  • If the victim is not breathing, give 2 slow breaths. Your mouth must baby's mouth and nose while ensuring that the airways is always open. Observe chest movement with each breath. Breathing should be given for 1 - 1.5 seconds.
 3. Circulation

  • Evaluation: Determining the absence of pulse. Feeling the pulse brakial on the inside sleeve with 2 fingers while raising the head with your other hand

  • Start to press the chest. The shadow of a line is created between the baby's nipples. Place the middle finger and ring finger next to your index finger. Use your index and ring fingers to press the sternun in last place. Because of variations in the size of the hands of rescuers and the baby's chest, the above method is only as guide. Make sure your fingers do not press the end sternun (cuaran xifiod) Press the sternum deep within 0.5 - 1 inch, at least 100 times per minute and giving a respiratory for every 5 compressions.

  • Perform 20 cycles of pressure and breathing assistance:
          - ask emergency system by calling 999/991 (quickly)
          - check the pulse brakial
          - if no pulse, continue the pressure and breathing assisstance
          - check the pulse every few minutes
          - if the heart recovers, check for bretahing spontaneously. 
            If no, give a breath every 3 sec (20  breaths/min) and keep eye on the pulse. 
            If you breath, make sure the airways is open and watch the breathing and pulse.

For quick reference, just print out this image and paste it on your wall at home. It will be much heloing in case of emergency.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Don't Panic: How to handle Choking baby

 What make baby choke? 

When a baby falls asleep while sucking milk bottles, milk will continue to flow and make the baby choke as the milk will go into the respiratory tract.

Tips to prevent baby choking

  • As a caregiver or parent, the practice of placing a pillow to support the bottle is not very good because it can increase the risk of unwanted incidents.
  • When a baby choking on small amount, there is potentially caused the pneumonia. Some babies will vomit after drinking milk, if this happen quickly adopted the baby and make sure to burp the baby each time after drinking milk.
  • The best way to avoid choking or drowning the baby milk is to provide breast milk. This is because when breastfeeding, milk will only come out when the is sucking. So if the baby fall asleep while drinking, the milk will not come out and this help reduced the risk.
  • Make sure the position of baby's head is higher than his chest and stomach. If the baby is bottle feeding, the bottle must be held within no more than 45-60 degrees position so that the milk does not get stuck in the throat and cause the baby to drown.
  • Please make sure that the teat hole is not too large to prevent air enter into the baby's belly. And if breastfeeding, be sure the nipple is completely in the baby mouth.
  • Avoid placing the baby on the floor while the feeding
  • It was not only babies who risk to choke, children aged 3 and above may also experience shortness of breath due to foods choking such as nuts or candies. This is because they are playing while eating the foods and eventually the foods will gets into respiratory tract then to the lungs.

What to do when a baby choke?

  1. Hold your baby so that he is lying face down along your forearm with his head lower than his body and his back and head supported.
  2. Use the heel of your hand to give up to five back blows.
  3. Check your baby’s mouth and remove any obvious obstructions. Do not use your finger to sweep inside his mouth - this could push the obstruction further into his throat.
  4. If your baby is still unable to breathe, turn him onto his back and give up to five chest thrust.
  5. Use two fingertips to push inwards and upwards (towards his head) against his breastbone, one finger’s width below his nipple line.
  6. Try to dislodge the object with each thrust. Don’t automatically do all five.
  7. Check your baby’s mouth after each thrust and remove the obstruction.
It better to prevent to cure. As a parent it become our responsibility to provide ourself with all these information. So, when things happen, we are prepared and ready.
I was married at age of 26 years old. It quite late for me. But still i was so thanks finally me and my love of life are united. And what more importance, with blessing of both families. What else should i asking for. And after 2 months, we were blessed with greatest gift. I found out that i was 6 weeks pregnant.

Once again, i were so thankful. I were blessed with easy pregnancy. No morning sickness. No vomiting in the morning. With no any complication. I enjoy my 9 months carrying the little one in my tummy. I was exciting to having her in my arms. Yeah, i found out the gender when she is 3 months in there. I just can't wait to being a mom. Something that i always wonder whether i could or not be. In fear, there is excitement.
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